Let’s face it ladies, the mere thought of rolling small spikes or needles into your skin, might literally bring chills down your spine. But no one said that being beautiful is going to be easy. Even the ancient queens of the past like the beautiful Egyptian queen Cleopatra used so many different types of tools to keep herself young and beautiful. And moving on to recent times, even the B-town actresses share their beauty routines and makeup accessories that help them ooze out the radiance and grab the most attention.
If you too, envision yourself having blemish-free, ravishing skin just like the gorgeous divas of Bollywood, you don’t need to be on a quest. Luckily, we got you the absolute answer for all your skin woes in the form of the latest beauty tool known as Derma Rollers.
But before venturing out to buy one of these nifty tools, first get to know what exactly this hottest cosmetic tool is everyone is raving about and how it works.
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What Is A Derma Roller?
A derma roller is a simple skincare tool consisting of hundreds of tiny, sharp needles that employs micro-needling technology to improve the texture and tone of the skin bequeathing one with smooth, blemish-free, rejuvenated complexion. From vanishing blemishes, abolishing scar tissues, tightening saggy skin,abolishing wrinkles, fine lines, disappearing under eye bags, fading out stretch marks, to arresting hair fall, there is nothing this versatile tool can’t do, that too without going under the knife!
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How Does It Work?
When the derma roller is rolled onto the skin, the microneedles puncture the skin and create hundreds of miniature holes that might slightly bleed but doesn’t stem out much damage. By poking small holes, it opens up the facial pores and hence maximizes the penetration of the serum or skin-enhancing ingredients seep deep into the skin for better functioning than it would have if applied superficially.
Furthermore, the micro-needling technique, evokes the body's natural healing mechanism that literally sends the production of collagenand elastin into an overdrive inducing skin rejuvenation and enhancing the texture, health, and elasticity of the skin.
But, micro-needling with derma rollers although non-invasive, can be a long-term process, hence one needs to employ it over multiple sittings to triumphantly get rid of blemishesand other skin woes.
A word of caution for first-timer users, before trying out this incredible product at home, ensure you get a well-trained dermatologist or technician for the first sitting to apprehend the amount of pressure you need to apply without harming yourself.
Benefits Of Using A Derma Roller:
- Speed up healing by breaking down of scar tissue
- Firming the top layer of skin
- Fading fine lines and wrinkles
- Reducing the size of facial pores
- Regulating sebum
- Vanishing stretch marks
- Boosting collagen production
- Lessening acne scars
- Skin rejuvenation
- Lightening skin
- Promoting absorption of skincare products
How To Use A Derma Roller?
- Spray an alcoholic solution on the derma roller and wash it thoroughly in hot water to sterilize.
- Prepare the skin to be treated with an antiseptic or saline wash.
- Hold the skin firmly.
- Now apply mellow pressure and twirl the derma roller over the skin – once up and down, side by side, and diagonally.
- Apply a moisturizer or serumafter use.
- Sanitize the roller again with the alcoholic solution, wash it in warm water, and store it after drying.
Points To Note:
- You need to be up for the minimum pain and discomfort the process might cause.
- Ensure the needles are super fine (about 0.5 mm) because thick, blunt needles pose a risk damaging the skin.
- It is quite normal for the skin to turn red after using the derma roller, hence apply ingredients like aloe vera gel to soothe the skin.
- Try coupling the derma roller with serums enriched with hyaluronic acid, peptides, stem cells, and growth factors to maximize the effects by speeding collagen production, vanishing hyperpigmentation to confer one with crystal-clear ravishing skin.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a derma roller and how does it work?
A derma roller is a handheld device with tiny needles that create micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating collagen production and promoting skin rejuvenation.
What skin issues can be treated with a derma roller?
Derma rollers can effectively address various skin concerns, including acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and stretch marks.
How often should I use a derma roller for best results?
It is generally recommended to use a derma roller once every few weeks, depending on the needle length and individual skin sensitivity.
Are there any risks associated with using a derma roller at home?
While derma rolling is relatively safe, improper use can lead to skin irritation, infection, or scarring, so it's important to follow proper hygiene and technique.
Can I apply skincare products after using a derma roller?
Yes, applying serums or moisturizers after derma rolling can enhance absorption and effectiveness, but it's best to avoid products with retinol or vitamin C immediately after treatment.
(This article is reviewed by Kalyani Krishna Chief Content Editor)
Author Profile
Soumita Basu:
Soumita Basu holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy and is keenly interested in Ayurveda, home remedies, yoga, fitness, diagnostics, and beauty. With nearly 6 years of experience, she produces evidence-based health content, including articles, videos, and infographics, to provide valuable insights to her audience.
1. Derma rollers in therapy: the transition from cosmetics to transdermal drug delivery
Authors: Leonna Dsouza, Vivek M. Ghate, and Shaila A. Lewiscorresponding author
2. Review of applications of microneedling in dermatology
Authors: Christopher Iriarte,1 Olabola Awosika,2 Monica Rengifo-Pardo,1,2 and Alison Ehrlich1,2
The content provided here is for informational purposes only. This blog is not intended to substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for any questions or concerns you may have regarding a medical condition. Reliance does not endorse or recommend any specific tests, physicians, procedures, opinions, or other information mentioned on the blog.
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